We’ve included a fun holiday gift in the new version of Google+ for Android. Shake your device while viewing one of your photos, and watch the snow fall. Shake it again to save your new snowy photo and share it with family and friends.
Make sure to update your app in Google Play (http://goo.gl/xaxMx). Happy holidays!
موقع صاحي المرئي يقدم الحلقة العاشرة من الموسم الجديد من برنامج “تِك توك” (كلام تقني) والذي يختص بكافة جوانب تكنولوجيا البرمجة وتقنية المعلومات وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف الذكية، ويقدمه يزيد زيدان ومن اخراج منير العامري
TotalBiscuit takes a look at the F2P match-3 puzzle adventure from Demiurge.
Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/18X4v6n
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This video is made by: Bartosz Lewicki
If you like it please support creator and subscribe to his channel at: http://www.youtube.com/user/fitnessbaley
Time: 9 h
Layers: 402 (4 PSD Files)
Download full size image here: http://crytivo.com/photo/8722/the-last-battle/
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Это видео создано: Bartosz Lewicki
Если Вам понравилось видео, поддержите автора и подпишитесь на его канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/fitnessbaley
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YouTube copyright blitz focuses on gaming channels
TOTD: Alexander Brandon, Big Giant Circles – Ma Chérie Nicolette http://bit.ly/1bZcIHj
Content Patch Episode 167 – December 12th, 2013
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Red hot nickel ball on one, ten and fifty sheets of printer paper. Even with a little help a red hot nickel ball could not make it through 50 sheets of paper…
RHNB Vs. Watermelon – http://full.sc/1bns60F
RHNB Vs. Jello – http://full.sc/1bns0WF RHNB Vs. Elmers Glue – http://full.sc/1dT1TEM
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