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● سويلي اشتراك في موقع اتحداك : http://www.at7addak.com/Fir4sGamer
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● اسك اف ام : http://ask.fm/iFir4sGamer
Great Comets from Humble Origins & Eyes on ISON
Great Comets from Humble Origins & Eyes on ISON
Dr. Frank Summers, Space Telescope Science Institute
Comets can be one of the most amazing sights in the heavens, with bright, naked-eye comas and tails stretching across half the sky. The most spectacular comet appearances are called “great” comets, but such an occurrence is infrequent enough that it is also nicknamed a “comet of the century.” In preparation for the Thanksgiving Day perihelion passage of Comet ISON, along with its great possibilities, it’s a proper time to examine the humble origins, from the most rural parts of the solar system, of these briefly blazing celestial visitors.
Recorded live on Novenber 11, 2013 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA
For more information: http://hubblesite.org/about_us/public_talks/
معرض دبي الدولى صالة فيراري تغطية حسن كتبي
ياسادة ياكرام اهديكم صالة فيراري و اختراعهم الجديد موزع الهواء السفلى المتغير و المتحرك لزيادة ثبات والتصاق السيارة على سرعة عالية على الاسفلت عن طريق توزيع العواء بسرعة ومنع تجمعه تحت السيارة
► WTF Is… – Risk of Rain ?
TotalBiscuit takes a look at a recently released action platformer with roguelike elements, developed by Hopoo Games.
Get it on Steam: http://bit.ly/1aXwzX1
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The One With The 2013 Lexus IS 350 F Sport at Pikes Peak! – World’s Fastest Car Show Ep 3.25
The Lexus IS-350 F follows in the tire tracks of its racing brother, the IS F CCS-R up the legendary inclines of the Pikes Peak. Justin takes it to the extreme as he conquers the peak, recounts its history, and explains how features of the IS-F provide for high-levels of performance.
World’s Fastest Car Show appears every Friday on the Motor Trend channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend
Subscribe now to make sure you’re in on all the action!
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Website – http://www.motortrend.com
Minecraft Survival Games – حركة اساسن كرييد
شكرا على المشاهدة 🙂
تابعني بالتويتر : https://twitter.com/TheOnlyM7MD_XD
الايبي : EU1.MCTIMV.COM
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TG10 : Top 10 Upcoming Space Sims
Our Top 10 UpComing Space Sims by TGN Partner CaptainShack.
CaptainShack brings you a “Top 10 Upcoming Space Sims” list up to date with the most vibrant of cosmic-themed games. Space simulators are popular among the sci-fi audience and they’ve most recently made a resurgence in the gaming industry. Which are you most excited for?
SC Interactive Menu ➜ http://goo.gl/uvUeEM
See The TG10 Playlist ➜ http://tinyurl.com/l6bkdlc
See CaptainShack’s Channel ➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheXPGamers
Kerbal Multiplayer
Eve Valkyrie
Pulsar Lost Colony
Star Made
Blockade runner
Limit Theory
Limit Theory YouTube Channel
Elite Dangerous
Star Citizen
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