How to fold a square napkin into The “Candle”. A special napkin trick for fancy holiday dinners!
Some quick links to a few of the materials I used:
[✓] Decorative cloth napkins:
[✓] Decorative paper napkins:
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More Napkin Folding videos featured here:
Full Playlist:
Fancy Holiday Napkin #1 – The “Crown” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #2 – The “Candle” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #3 — Simple “Silverware Pouch” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #4 – The “Pyramid” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #5 – The “Elf Shoe” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #6 – The “Basket” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #7 – The “Rose” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #8 – “Bird of Paradise” –
Fancy Holiday Napkin #9 – The “Bishop’s Hat” –
To fold the candle, we’re going to follow 8 simple steps.
1. Start with a square napkin, and turn it slightly so that one point is facing up.
2. Now take the bottom tip, and fold it up toward the top until the two corners match. This should form a rough triangle.
3. The next step is fold the base up just a couple of inches and press it down flat.
4. At this point, we can flip the whole thing over, so the triangle is pointing to the left.
5. Take the bottom point and fold it up so the tip is just past the center.
6. Start rolling the whole thing into a tube, starting from the bottom, and working toward the top. When your roll is finished, you might want to push the uneven ends back into the tube, then tuck the loose end, neatly into the cuff. This should give you a nice sturdy base to hold your napkin upright.
7. To finish off, just turn one layer of the tip down.
8. Then shape the the other layer to look like a flame.
Now your candle looks like it’s burning, with a bit of wax dripping off the top. It’s completely finished, and ready to impress.
Now if you don’t have cloth napkins, try making this with a paper napkin instead. It works just as well, as long as your gentle, and are careful not to tear the paper.
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-KickedUpPumps)
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Project inspired by: A napkin folding class my wife and I took on a recent vacation cruise, hosted by Royal Caribbean.
Special interest was given to the following websites for more ideas, and refreshing techniques;
Napkin Folding
How to Fold Napkins – Creative Ideas for Tablescapes