2013 Chevrolet Spark Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, & Test Drive

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline Buyers who feel a traditional sub-compact vehicle is too big can look at a vehicle in the micro-class. Meet the 2013 Chevrolet Spark, slotting below the larger Sonic, it competes head on with the 2-door only Smart Fortwo, Fiat 500, and Scion iQ. It’s diminutive size, low price, and extra back doors make it perfect as a city car. Those of you who need a vehicle to take them on the open road as well, should just stick with a sub-compact offering for similar money.

TotalBiscuit’s Thoughts On – Nekro

TotalBiscuit walks through some gameplay from the upcoming title Nekro, a project that was kickstarted in part by viewers of this channel, wherein you play an evil necromancer who summons ghastly minions to eat villages and do awfully dreadful things.

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What would GTA 5 be like if it were actually set in Los Angeles?
More Warp Zone Sketches! http://bit.ly/1J60zlO
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Schroeder as Boss
Ryan as Ralphie
Davis as Chuckles
TJ Smith as Dustin Fever (http://www.youtube.com/ivyleaguepunk)
Fish as The Driver
Odom as The Bodyguard

Directed by Michael Schroeder
Written by TheWarpZone
Edited by Ryan Tellez
VFX by Brian Fisher
Cinematography by Brian Fisher and Sharif Matar
Music by Taylor Lipari (http://www.youtube.com/taylorlipari)
Special thanks to LootCrate (http://www.lootcrate.com)

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TUESDAYS: Let’s Play
WEDNESDAYS: Music Videos & Sketch Comedy
FRIDAYS: Food Truck Friday!
SATURDAYS: Between Two Nerds

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Fallout 4 : What We Want – Community Response

The history and lore of the Fallout universe. Bethesda has yet to announce Fallout 4, but CaptainShack is here to let you know about all of the news, rumors, and would-be announcements. Know something we don’t? Let us know in the comments below!

See Our Fallout 4 Playlist ➜ http://tinyurl.com/bvflhpn

See XPGamer’s Channel ➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheXPGamers


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All from the Fallout Franchise.
Fallout 1, 2 and 3

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Face the future – Speed art ( #Photoshop ) | CreativeStation

http://www.CStation.net http://www.Crytivo.com
This video is made by: MazenDesignes
If you like it please support creator and subscribe to his channel at: http://www.youtube.com/user/MazenDesignes

Music : Two Steps From Hell – Immortal !
Total time: 4 h : 30 min !

Download full size image here: http://crytivo.com/advancedphoto/7518/face-the-futur/

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Это видео создано: MazenDesignes

Если Вам понравилось видео, поддержите автора и подпишитесь на его канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/MazenDesignes

Оригинальное изображение: http://crytivo.com/advancedphoto/7518/face-the-futur/

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Google Fiber: Nick’s First Pitch

Just like any other 13-year-old baseball fan, Nick had dreams of one day making it to the majors. Being diagnosed with a rare blood disorder put that dream on hold—until, that is, Nick’s family, the baseball community and Google Fiber teamed up and used the power of web to make his dream a reality. With the help of the web, Nick was able to throw out the first pitch at A’s/Yankee’s game at the Oakland Coliseum in California from the Google Fiber Space in Kansas City—more than 1800 miles away.

After months of a worldwide search, Nick found a bone marrow donor. But there are thousands of people like Nick who still need a match. For more information on how to be a match, visit: www.bethematch.org