How To Make Carbonated Ice Cream, “Halloween Style”! (Dry Ice Cream)

Carbonated ice cream? …Really! And here’s how to make it with a few simple ingredients, and a bit of dry-ice

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Shaking Butter:
Instant Slushy:
Candy Cannon:
Making Dry Ice:
Music By: (Queen Of The Night)

Project Inspired By:

Theo Gray (Mad Science)


Dry Ice is extremely cold! (-78C/-109F) and can cause instant frost-bite to exposed skin. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Ingestion of dry-ice can cause serious internal tissue damage. If Dry Ice is ingested, drink copious amounts of warm water as soon as practical. Misuse, or careless use may result in serious injury. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

**A couple of points I probably didn’t clarify were 1. That there is no dry ice left in the mixture when the ice cream is done, and 2. My wife and I had already eaten the majority of the batch before we gave it to our kids to test out for themselves. I hope that helps those of you who had concerns.

This simple vanilla ice cream recipe is easy, and delicious!

2 cups Half & Half
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar

Note: Half & Half is a dairy product consisting of half light cream and half milk. If you have heavy whipping cream and milk, you can make half and half by combining four parts whole milk with one part heavy cream. If you only have light whipping cream, use three parts whole milk and one part light whipping cream.

Mix all ingredients together, and add some cold. (In this case, dry ice!)

The dry ice cools the liquid mixture to the point where it takes on the familiar qualities of ice cream.

I love this method because it adds a mysterious flowing fog quality to the process that’s very visually stimulating, and gratifying.

When the fog stops, the dry ice has most likely all sublimated out, but be careful when eating, and watch for any small pieces that may have been missed, and avoid eating them. Because the CO2 sublimates directly into a gas, it’s very clean and doesn’t leave behind any residue.

Dry ice is solid CO2, and as it sublimates through the mix, it forms carbonic acid with some of the water in the mix, giving the ice cream the familiar fizzy carbonated taste that we associate with soda.

Dry ice from fire extinguishers?

In some cases, yes!. Select fire extinguishers utilize CO2 as the medium for suppressing fires. These types are mainly found in restaurant kitchens, mechanical rooms, and in areas that hold sensitive equipment like computers.

CO2 fire extinguishers are usually charged with food grade CO2 and are referred to in terms of pounds. For example, a 5lb CO2 extinguisher is charged with a 5 lb weight of liquid CO2. The extinguisher is then highly pressurized.

CO2 fire extinguishers are marked with stickers, or holes punched in the servicing labels. They also have unusually large discharge horns, and no pressure gauges.

You can see how to make Dry Ice with a CO2 Fire extinguisher in this video:

QC#21 – “Hot Potato”

Homemade fuses wrapped in aluminum foil look like a baked potato. When lit, they get hot fast.

Here is how I made the fuses:

Next Video: Pop-Can Lock Picking:
Previous Video: Solar Scrambled Eggs:

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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

This was an original idea based off a video I saw on making match rockets:

WARNING: This video is for demonstration purposes. Homemade fireworks can be dangerous if misused or crafted in inexperience. May also be illegal and you could be subject to the consequences. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

From personal experimenting, I found that the homemade fuses from previous projects, burn incredibly fast when enclosed. I wondered what would happen if they were wrapped up tightly in aluminum foil. My guess was they would all burn quickly together and go off with a bang. That’s basically what happened.

I chose to use just a couple wraps of aluminum foil because the material is light weight and would break fairly easily as the pressure built. I wasn’t interested in building a bomb. Just a simple homemade pyrotechnic for festive celebrations, and using materials I already had available.

This has the potential to be hazardous to people and property. Common sense, safety, and extreme caution need to be exercised to avoid harm and damage to others.


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هل تصدق أن مى عز الدين قامت بعمليات تجميل شاهد الفرق قبلها وبعدها

أكدت الفنانة مي عز الدين بأنها لم تقم إلا بإجراء عملية تجميل بسيطة لأنفها لأن شكل أنفها كان يزعجها أمام الكاميرا.
وأضافت : أنا مع عمليات التجميل التي تعمل على تحسين المظهر , فمن الطبيعي أن يختار الإنسان الأفضل لنفسه .
وأوضحت مي عز الدين بأن تلك العملية هي العملية الوحيدة التي قامت بها حيث لم يمسها أي مشرط طبي بعد ذلك
المحتوى الأصلى على الرابط

مفاجأة…صور أحمد السقا مع زوجته والتى كان يخفيها عن الأعين ومع عائلته
شاهد صور حميمية بين منى زكى وأحمد السقا تسببت فى مشاكل بين منى زكى وأحمد حلمى
صور لم تشاهدها من قبل للنجمة روجينا مع زوجها أشرف زكى وأولادهم

لن تصدق مدى فخامة قصر المطربة أحلام من الداخل والخارج …شوف بنفسك

مفاجأة…هل تعرف من تزوج الفنانة زينب العسكرى من حكام العرب بعد تكتم دام طويلا

حصريا أول صورة مسربة لخطوبة زينب ابنة هيفاء وهبى

شاهد صور نادرة لزوجة الفنان عادل امام وأولاده

حصريا….صور للممثلين والممثلات الأتراك وهم صغار

بوسى تكذب إدعاء الأخوان قولها…”اللي قال سيدنا محمد أشرف الخلق كان غلطان لإنه مشفش السيسي”
شاهد دنيا بطمة قبل عمليات التجميل وبعدها…رغم إنكارها اجراء اى عمليات

صور نادرة لأول ظهور للنجمة شريهان بعد نجاتها من مرض السرطان

لن تتخيل شكل الفنانات العربيات والعالميات قبل البوتكس وبعده يعيش التجميل يعيش

فنانات عربيات وعالميات تألقن فى زى الملكة كليوباترا إختار الأجمل

شاهد صور نادرة للفنان أحمد السقا وعائلته وزوجته التى كان يخفيها عن الاعلام

زفاف بهاء سلطان على عروسه جيرمين لأن الواد قلبه بيوجعه وعايز حد يدلعه

هل تتذكرون الفنانة مى عبد النبى شاهد صورها بعد تقدم العمر والحجاب

مفاجأة…صور أحمد السقا مع زوجته والتى كان يخفيها عن الأعين ومع عائلته
شاهد صور حميمية بين منى زكى وأحمد السقا تسببت فى مشاكل بين منى زكى وأحمد حلمى
صور لم تشاهدها من قبل للنجمة روجينا مع زوجها أشرف زكى وأولادهم

لن تصدق مدى فخامة قصر المطربة أحلام من الداخل والخارج …شوف بنفسك

مفاجأة…هل تعرف من تزوج الفنانة زينب العسكرى من حكام العرب بعد تكتم دام طويلا

حصريا أول صورة مسربة لخطوبة زينب ابنة هيفاء وهبى

شاهد صور نادرة لزوجة الفنان عادل امام وأولاده

حصريا….صور للممثلين والممثلات الأتراك وهم صغار

بوسى تكذب إدعاء الأخوان قولها…”اللي قال سيدنا محمد أشرف الخلق كان غلطان لإنه مشفش السيسي”
شاهد دنيا بطمة قبل عمليات التجميل وبعدها…رغم إنكارها اجراء اى عمليات

صور نادرة لأول ظهور للنجمة شريهان بعد نجاتها من مرض السرطان

لن تتخيل شكل الفنانات العربيات والعالميات قبل البوتكس وبعده يعيش التجميل يعيش

فنانات عربيات وعالميات تألقن فى زى الملكة كليوباترا إختار الأجمل

شاهد صور نادرة للفنان أحمد السقا وعائلته وزوجته التى كان يخفيها عن الاعلام

زفاف بهاء سلطان على عروسه جيرمين لأن الواد قلبه بيوجعه وعايز حد يدلعه

حصريا شاهد زفاف السلطانة ناهد دوران على رجل أعمال تركى فى حفل بسيط

أخيرا بعد تكتم شديد شاهد زواج كارول سماحة من وليد مصطفى مالك قنوات النهار

أحمد السقا يظهر فى لوك جديد بالشارب ويصدم جمهوره

حقيقة احدث نيولوك للفنانة أنغام الذى غير شكلها بالكامل وجعلها نسخة من نجلاء فتحي

TotalBiscuit’s Big September Q&A (some strong language)

TotalBiscuit brings you an extensive subscriber Q&A. This was recorded on Twitch as part of a series of bonuses for Twitch subscribers.

0:00:00 Intro.
0:02:24 What made you get into YouTube gaming critique?
0:05:50 Music collaboration with TB’s brother?
0:07:26 How did WoW radio help you become a better broadcaster/commentator?
0:09:18 Why do you sponsor a StarCraft team?
0:12:44 Did you play Warhammer 40k?
0:16:38 Moving to a different state?
0:19:20 Advice to upcoming indie developers?
0:21:16 Coverage of the Steam gamepad?
0:23:50 One flaw you despise most of your viewers?
0:25:46 One quality you admire the most?
0:28:35 Thoughts on received fan art?
0:30:33 Update on Star Citizen?
0:31:28 What character from any RTS or MOBA you would be?
0:32:44 Have you ever done shoutcast commentary of everyday things?
0:34:40 Making content besides gaming?
0:36:00 Recommended Warhammer 40k literature?
0:46:36 Insights on Brothers and Journey keeping player invested…
0:50:00 Going to Australia?
0:50:50 What do you do to stay healthy?
0:52:00 Favorite fiction universe?
0:53:36 TGS/Co-optional podcast having guests from old media (e.g. RPS)
0:55:18 Advice for Australians wishing to enter production side of e-sports.
0:57:12 What would you like to see on future consoles?
1:00:53 Hearthstone; restructuring the game around arenas?
1:02:52 Overcoming dyspraxia, advices?
1:08:55 Buying Axiom shirts?
1:10:18 Ever gave ideas to other YouTubers?
1:11:26 How do you see Wii U faring?
1:13:08 Why Bloodline champions didn’t grow popular?
1:14:44 Carolina, Kansas or Texas style BBQ for double taco?
1:16:38 Competing with Jesse in the early days of Cataclysm Beta and meeting Jesse?
1:17:22 Raid with me by Jesse Cox
1:22:38 Opinion on micro transactions in GTA5?
1:24:18 If you had more time, what game would you play more of?
1:25:05 Have you tried learning second language?
1:27:30 Suggestions for someone going to Escapist Expo?
1:31:30 The Hour of Love on Escapist Expo?
1:32:50 What should PlanetSide 2 add or focus on?
1:34:00 What’s the best/worst things you’ve eaten?
1:36:20 Do you want a man-hug?
1:36:31 Have you been able to check out ArcheAge? (And EverQuest)
1:36:52 Have you heard about Hex card game?
1:37:45 Recommended 3DS games besides besides Fire Emblem?
1:40:02 Talking about Vegas not being expensive.
1:45:20 Favorite books of all time?
1:46:52 Your average work day? How long?
1:49:00 Any update on co-optional plays?
1:50:10 Talking about board games.
1:51:00 What genres do you wish to see more of?
1:52:20 Were you a good student in high school / college?
1:55:57 Any plans on doing more games with Angry Joe?
1:57:02 Interested in casting Dota2?
1:57:50 Average time to make content?
2:00:05 MikeB on Co-optional podcast again?
2:00:29 How do people get into competitive gaming as players?
2:02:06 Will you return to DreamHack?
2:03:10 Mac gaming expanding?
2:04:10 E-sports in next 5 to 10 years?
2:05:22 Opinion about Dark Souls 2?
2:06:00 Any more Dota2 videos with Purge?
2:06:20 Have you ever played Yu-Gi-Oh?
2:07:28 How and Why did you choose Jesse and Dodger for TGS podcast?
2:08:30 Thoughts on Homeworld: Shipbreakers?
2:08:50 Is streaming good way to pick up subscribers? Streaming vs YouTube.
2:11:36 Will Windows and OS X gaming die-off due to SteamOS?
2:12:48 Any progress with Sega boycott?
2:13:38 Is it worth to run SLI/Crossfire?
2:14:47 Last game you finished on PC?
2:15:05 Interested in bringing anyone from TGN to podcast?
2:15:40 Considered using Subbable? And more about streaming.
2:18:02 Ever thought of letting the son inherit the channel?
2:18:36 Wrap-up.

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