تجربة مازدا 6 2014 قيادة حسن كتبي

تجربة مازدا 6 2014 قيادة حسن كتبي
الرجاء ملاحظة جدول المقارنة فى الفيديو لاعطائكم صورة واضحة عن مميزات المازدا مقارنة منافستها الكبار فى هذه الفئة مثل الاكورد والكامرى و الالتيما والسوناتا و المقارنة علمية مدروسة لكل النواحي المهمة شاملة اسعار قطع الغيار
ارجو ان اكون وفقت فى عمل علمى مبسط بدل الجماعة قالوا و الجماعة عادو:)
New Mazda 6 2013 Test Drive by Hasan Kutbi Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Ted Klaus Talks New Acura NSX Development! Plus Ferrari & GT-R Rivals – Wide Open Throttle Ep. 66

Special guest Ted Klaus, Global Development Chief at Acura, sits down with Angus MacKenzie, Carlos Lago, Ron Kiino and Jonathan Wong to talk about the new Acura NSX and the development process behind creating Acura’s new Halo Car.

The NSX will utilize a form of the new hybrid Super Handling-AWD (SH-AWD) system. The V-6, likely a 3.5- or 3.7-liter, will drive the rear wheels by means of a seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox. Unlike the current SH-AWD system, which would send power to the front wheels by way of a driveshaft and a mechanical differential, the NSX’s front wheels will instead be powered by a pair of electric motors. As each motor is assigned to a wheel, the system has the ability to accelerate the outer wheel in a corner, creating a yaw moment that improves the car’s ability to turn in and rotate.

Wide Open Throttle appears every Thursday on the Motor Trend channel.

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Mechanics on the Mechanics of Fast & Furious

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With Fast & Furious 6 speeding into theaters, we thought we’d find some actual mechanics to break down the mechanics of “The Fast and the Furious” franchise. What we found… was pretty expected.

Oh and be sure to check out our:
Honest Trailer: FAST FIVE- http://youtu.be/MOTk1Gi5zoA

You can find all our Screen Junkies t-shirts here: http://screenjunkies.spreadshirt.com/

HOST: Hal Rudnick – twitter.com/halrudnick

Extra Special Thanks to our Mechanics!!
Mark, Jeff and Kamjom!

Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Directed by Dan Murrell & Andy Signore
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Written by Hal Rudnick, Spencer Gilbert & Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell

Got a tip? Email us at: tips@screenjunkies.com

Like us on Facebook – http://www.fb.com/screenjunkies

Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/screenjunkies

Also while we have you, why not check out our HONEST TRAILERS!

Honest Trailers: FAST FIVE

Honest Trailers: STAR TREK (2009)

Honest Trailers: IRON MAN 2

Honest Trailers: HARRY POTTER

Honest Trailers: JURASSIC PARK

Honest Trailers: LES MISERABLES


Honest Trailers: THE NOTEBOOK

Honest Trailers: SKYFALL


Honest Trailers: INCEPTION

Honest Trailers: THE LORD OF THE RINGS




Honest Trailers: PROMETHEUS

Honest Trailers: THE AVENGERS

Honest Trailers: THE HUNGER GAMES

Honest Trailers: THE DARK KNIGHT

Honest Trailers: AVATAR

Honest Trailers: TRANSFORMERS

Honest Trailers: TITANIC

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT


Are you still reading this?? If so, type “Ride Or Die?” in the comments!

Hubble: Galaxies Across Space and Time

“Hubble: Galaxies Across Space and Time” is an award-winning IMAX Super Short. Explore 9 billion years of cosmic history in less than three minutes as you fly through one of Hubble’s iconic images. These galaxies were photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) project. Hubble scientists and imaging specialists worked for months to extract individual galaxy images, placing them in a 3D model according to their approximate true distances.

Hubble: Galaxies Across Space and Time

“Hubble: Galaxies Across Space and Time” is an award-winning IMAX Super Short. Explore 9 billion years of cosmic history in less than three minutes as you fly through one of Hubble’s iconic images. These galaxies were photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) project. Hubble scientists and imaging specialists worked for months to extract individual galaxy images, placing them in a 3D model according to their approximate true distances.

The Electric Deck of Cards

Here’s how to make a deck of cards that will pump out a shocking 330 volts of electricity. Stuart Edge used it in his “Electric Shock Kissing Prank” to show the ladies how a man can really put the sparks in a kiss.

See the “Stuart Edge – Electric Shock Kissing Prank” here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz9c95hkU54&feature=share&list=UUCvCHN9DaKn8ON5VxDZmyhQ

Download Shocker Circuit Schematic here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j52zscyncf7egl2/Electric%20Deck%20of%20Cards%20-%20Shocker%20Circuit%20Schematic.jpg

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For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

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Instagram: https://goo.gl/C0Q1YU
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
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Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about

Endcard Links:

Urine Ignition: https://goo.gl/CIUGRl
3 Cent Battery: https://goo.gl/RFHRHt

Candy Cannon: https://goo.gl/Asr1P6
Mousetrap Gun: http://bit.ly/MousetrapGun

Music By:
http://www.MachinimaSound.com (Shadows of the Mind)

Project Inspired By:

Multiple videos on making an improvised “taser” with a disposable camera circuit. I learned about making the circuit into a “continuous current” by removing the capacitor from potatogun96 tic tac taser video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-3qZ7TdRhs and I learned about the possibility of removing the components from the circuit board and making the circuit smaller from Kipkay’s electric stapler prank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbjPdX0uj0M


This electric shocker outputs around 330 volts DC, and delivers a surprising jolt. Be familiar with dangers associated with electric shocks, minor burns, damage to tissues, and possibility of cardiac arrest. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

I’ve been playing with these shocker circuits from disposable cameras for over 3 years and get them all for free from local drug stores. Just check the photo center’s recycling bin.

I’ve had plans to build a device that could be used for pranking people in the streets, and when I was introduced to Stuart Edge, we got together to see if he’d be interested in using a gadget like this for a prank. He loved the idea, but wanted it to fit inside a deck of cards.

After thinking about how to reduce the circuit to fit in a normal deck, and after making a couple of prototypes, Stuart had a working electric deck and was trying it around campus.

He said that at night you could actually see the sparks of electricity jumping across the lips of the people kissing.

This was a really fun project, and one of my favorites because somehow, shocking people never gets old.

TrekCore interviews writer Morgan Gendel: Part II

In the the second part of our interview, we sit down with writer Morgan Gendel to discuss his contributions to “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”, as well as his collaboration with William Shatner on the “TekWar” television movies.

Glass Enclosure

Originally aiming for a glass cube, I was still able to capture the air inside of this glass enclosure the date and time this was filmed………………….Come see my other videos here!………….. http://www.youtube.com/user/carsandwater?feature=mheeSUBSCRIBE: http://full.sc/1bnslc9
FACEBOOK: http://full.sc/1dT2aaM

RHNB Vs. Watermelon – http://full.sc/1bns60F
RHNB Vs. Jello – http://full.sc/1bns0WF RHNB Vs. Elmers Glue – http://full.sc/1dT1TEM
RHNB Full Playlist – http://full.sc/1dT1WjP

-Want to send an object / material / substance to be RHNB’d or HHO’d? SEND HERE with a full credit of your donation! PO Box 21 96 Seymour St. Tonawanda NY 14150 USA

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