Honest Trailers – Jurassic Park

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You demanded it… So don’t get mad at us! Honest Trailer: Jurassic Park – Spielberg’s last truly awesome popcorn flick before becoming an old sap.

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Honest Trailers: Jurassic Park Credits

Directed by Andy Signore
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Written by Ian Weinreich, Russell Eida, Jason Matthews, Andy Signore and Dave Child
Edited by Dan Murrell

Voiceover Narration by http://youtube.com/jon3pnt0

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next!

Check out more of our Emmy Nominated Honest Trailers:

Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)

Game of Thrones Vol. 1


Harry Potter

Breaking Bad

The Lord Of The Rings

Star Wars Force Awakens

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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QC#3 – Floating Paperclips

A paperclip is balanced so that it floats on top of water.

Next Video: Balancing Matchsticks: https://goo.gl/cagsEb
Previous Video: Steam Vacuum Experiment: https://goo.gl/0cdTi4

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

My dad. When I was a kid he showed me we could make a needle float on water using a method like this. (an example would be eg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9o4JXulvo). I wondered if it would work with a paperclip, and it did. Many many people have thought of it and done it before me.

WARNING: Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

This was a fun experiment I used to do with my dad when I was young. It’s very common and has been around forever, but in the back of my young mind I always thought it would be cool to make a video one day so everyone could do it.

Trying to get a paperclip to float on water is nearly impossible because it’s heavier than water, but my dad showed me that if you simply put a piece of toilet paper on top of the water, then drop the clip on top, the paper will slowly sink to the bottom and leave the clip floating on the top due to surface tension. You can then reach in carefully and remove the toilet paper to remove any evidence.

Since making this video, I’ve also seen another way you can do it, by slowing lowering it down onto the surface of the water using another paperclip.

2014 Toyota Highlander – 2013 New York Auto Show

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline Toyota’s Highlander was always a solid player in the competitive family crossover segment. For 2014 the vehicle has finally grown in size to give it that added space and utility buyers in the segment demand. Will it be good enough to steal sales from the popular Explorer and Pilot?

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On this episode of The Downshift, we head to Norway to see what Formula Drift driver Fredric Aasbo does in the offseason in the cold Scandinavian winters.

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