📱 أول نظرة #سامسونجS4 جالكسي إس 4 Samsung Galaxy S4

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Samsung Galaxy S4 UNPACKED Trailer – Part 2

UNPACKED Samsung Galaxy S4 trailer – PART 2

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NOTE: This is not my video and I do not claim any right for it.

Most Epic TV Drinking Games! (Breaking Bad, Homeland, Game of Thrones, Girls, Etc.)

Become a Screen Junkie! ► http://bit.ly/sjsubscr

With so much epic TV these days – we felt we needed to create some epic drinking games for your drunken pleasure.

We’ll be uploading new episodes of the SJS every Thursday!
As well as uploading new HONEST TRAILERS every other Tuesday! (And ‘Supercuts / MashUps’ in between weeks)
So make sure to SUBSCRIBE!!

Got a tip? Email us at: tips@screenjunkies.com

Like us on Facebook – http://www.fb.com/screenjunkies

Screen Junkies Show
Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Directed by Justin Donaldson
Executive Producer Andy Signore
Written by Hal Rudnick, Russell Eida and Dave Child
Edited by Dan Murrell

Also while we have you, why not check out our HONEST TRAILERS!


Honest Trailers: THE NOTEBOOK

Honest Trailers: SKYFALL


Honest Trailers: INCEPTION

Honest Trailers: THE LORD OF THE RINGS




Honest Trailers: PROMETHEUS

Honest Trailers: THE AVENGERS

Honest Trailers: THE HUNGER GAMES

Honest Trailers: THE DARK KNIGHT

Honest Trailers: AVATAR

Honest Trailers: TRANSFORMERS

Honest Trailers: TITANIC

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT


Are you still reading this?? If so, type “Stay out of my territory!” in the comments!

$5 Makeshift Home Theater – Easy Laptop Mod!

Here’s how to convert your Laptop, Smartphone, or Tablet into a makeshift projector. The picture isn’t the greatest, but it’s really really cheap, and can add a bit of creative fun to your next sports party!

Special thanks to Devin Graham for the videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/devinsupertramp

Assassin’s Creed 3 Meets Parkour in Real Life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py-yRjM0le8

Slam Dunk Supertramp Style – Faceteam Basketball: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KULSBE3QvBY

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For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

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Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about

Endcard Links:

Butter Candle: https://goo.gl/kUq0BcMousetrap Gun: https://goo.gl/FTs5IIPaper Speaker: https://goo.gl/1HLa74Balloon Shooter: https://goo.gl/iyVPwt
Music By:

Scott & Brendo (“Photographs” & “Higher” – Instrumentals)
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/and-away-we-go/id605519069
Facebook: http://facebook.com/scottandbrendo
YouTube: http://youtube.com/scottandbrendo

Project Inspired By:

This was an original idea. (That doesn’t mean I’m the first one to do it, just that the idea is new to me and I haven’t seen it done before.) While visiting family in 2012, I found that by magnifying the screen of my smartphone through a sphere-shaped water bottle, I could project an image on the wall. To make a better quality image required a larger magnifier, but a magnifying glass was impractical because it would be so large, heavy and expensive. A friend requested I do this project for March Madness, so I devoted some time and thought into it, and this is what resulted.


This project is geared mainly toward college students looking for a way to turn devices they already have into a projector for sporting events or parties. It’s more of a novelty than anything practical, but in my experience, the image is watchable and the idea will hopefully be enjoyed. If anything, it’s a party trick you can pull out for your next get-together with friends. The image projected on the wall will be “mirror image” or “flipped horizontally” from the original image. This will make any text or numbers appear backward. The light from the Laptop, Smartphone or Tablet is the only source of light, so as the image is made bigger, the intensity of the light on the screen gets weaker until eventually the image becomes indiscernible.

Project History & More Info:

The projector is very simple. It’s made of cardboard, duct-tape, and a Fresnel lens about 7″-10″.

I found that using a Laptop works the best, because the screen is larger to begin with, and it can be turned up fairly brightly. This is good because as the image is made bigger, the intensity of the light on the screen is lessened. An image of 50″ is very watchable on a Laptop, as well as a Tablet about the size of an iPad. Of course, the closer your bring the projector to the screen, the smaller the image will be, but the brighter and more focused it will become.

I found that if you cover all your windows and close any doors to make sure the room is completely dark, this will help the image appear crisper and brighter.

Because the Fresnel lens is made flat, there are some optical disadvantages that appear in the image. For example, the edges of the screen may be a little blurry while the center is in focus. To address this problem, a shroud can be added to the lens with a rectangular hole in the center about the size of a credit card. This will choke down the aperture, and dramatically improve the focus. The trade off is that there will be less light emitted from the projector, so the image on the screen will be dimmed.

A Smartphone works the same way, but the screen size can’t go much over 20″ or the image is unwatchable. 15″ worked great, and 20″ was ok. Some Smartphones don’t have an option to lock the screen sideways so you may have to download an app for that.

RHNB-Temp Change

48.7F / 9.27C ice cold water is brought to 163.4F / 73C in 10 seconds! This would no doubt bring your afternoon tea up to temp…………….Come see my other videos here!………….. http://www.youtube.com/user/carsandwater?feature=mheeSUBSCRIBE: http://full.sc/1bnslc9
FACEBOOK: http://full.sc/1dT2aaM

RHNB Vs. Watermelon – http://full.sc/1bns60F
RHNB Vs. Jello – http://full.sc/1bns0WF RHNB Vs. Elmers Glue – http://full.sc/1dT1TEM
RHNB Full Playlist – http://full.sc/1dT1WjP

-Want to send an object / material / substance to be RHNB’d or HHO’d? SEND HERE with a full credit of your donation! PO Box 21 96 Seymour St. Tonawanda NY 14150 USA

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