2001 Lexus IS300 Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, Test Drive

The original first attempt at a true RWD sport sedan from Lexus, the IS300. We think it was a great first effort and the brand has done a good job with the succeeding generations. If you are in the market for a used sport sedan and don’t mind a cramped interior, this vehicle should be at the top of your list. Those of you seeking more power and space should check out the Acura TL and Infiniti G35.

2014 Lincoln MkC Concept First Look – 2013 Detroit Auto Show

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline The compact luxury crossover segment is one crowded but hot entry. Is there room for one more? Lincoln thinks so, expect to see their new Escape based MkC out late this year. From the looks of it, it would seem that Lincoln has finally built a vehicle that is differentiated well from its Ford cousin.

How to Make Onion Rings – SORTED

These are our onion rings with a difference! The batter is mixed with the Italian flavours of basil, sun dried tomatoes and black olives. Not only is the flavour amazing, but the rings come out in 3 different colours… a talking point on any plate!

Get the recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/onionrings

You can also buy our book here: http://goo.gl/IihW6

Share your cooking results with us:



كيف تغير إسمك على الفيسبوك بعد تجاوز الحد المسموح به

رابط الموضوع

الحلقة السابقة كانت حول موضوع :
الحلقة 667: أحصل على كود تفعيل برنامج Cyber ghost VPN مجانا من الشركة الرسمية


الحلقة666: كيف تحول البرامج المتبثة على الويندوز إلى برامج تتبيث Setup

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ح663: كيف تشفر رسائل الفيسبوك حتى إذا إخترق حسابك لن يستطيع الهاكر قراءة الرسائل

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كيف تشغل جوجل كروم على ويندوز 8 دون إختفاء شريط المهام

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الحلقة643 : أحصل على okayfreedom VPN مدفوع مجانا مع عرض حصري من الشركة

Back Yard Paint Job! – HOT ROD Unlimited Episode 25

On this episode of HOT ROD Unlimited, The HOT ROD staff shows how you can trick your friends into a party so you can paint your hot rod in a weekend. Associate Editor Jesse Kiser and HOT ROD Magazine Live host Dennis Pittsenbarger shows how the staff painted their hideous 1967 Chevrolet Impala in a couple days. Using kits from Summit Racing and Eastwood Industries, anyone can paint a car almost anywhere, hot wings optional.

HOT ROD Unlimited appears every other Friday on the new Motor Trend channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend

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2014 Chevrolet Corvette First Look – 2013 Detroit Auto Show

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline With the all-new 2014 C7 model, Chevy has finally elevated the Corvette upmarket. It now has the looks, quality, and performance that allow it to play with the Italian sports cars it always wanted to run with. It’s main rival the Dodge Viper got a similar redesign, which American super car is the best? We’ll let you know later this year.