الحلقة635 : لماذا الحاسوب يصبح بطيئا حتى بعد الفرمتة

روابط مفيدة
إصلاح مشاكل القرص الصلب
ثغير المعجون الحراري


الحلقة السابقة كانت حول موضوع :
الحلقة634 : كيف تحول اي كاميرا إلى ويب كميرا للإستعمال مع الحاسوب


الحلقة 632 : أخطاء يجب عليك تفاديها قبل شراء أي قطعة هاردوير للحاسوب

الحلقة631 : كيف تسحب ملفاتك المهمة من حاسوب تعطل خطوة بخطوة

الحلقة630 : كيف تضع باسورد على اي نافدة مفتوحة في الويندوز وتخفيها عن الانظار

629 :لماذا أعجبت بـ ويندوز 8 والفرق بينه وبين ويندوز 7

الحلقة628 : كيف تتصرف عندما ينسكب سائل على حاسوبك المحمول

الحلقة 627 : كيف تتبث وتشغل ويندوز8 من على مفتاح USB وخده معك اينما شئت

الحلقة626: شرح اداة Openpuff لإخفاء الملفات عن طريق Steganography


الحلقة 625 : كيف تمتلك إيميل مجهول الهوية لإرسال وإستقبال الإيميلات متخفيا كما الهاكرز

الحلقة624 : كيف تمتلك حاسوب شخصي على الأنترنيت

الحلقة 623: ماهي السمعة الإفتراضية وكيف تبني سمعة إفتراضية جيدة

الحلقة622 :كيف تحول الويب كميرا إلى كميرا تسجل بالأبعاد الثلاثية 3D

الحلقة621 : الشرح الكامل للوضع الآمن في ويندوز 8 [ Mode Sans échec / Safe Mode ]

الحلقة620: لماذا لايجب عليك إستخدام الإيميل في تسجيل دخولك على الفيسبوك

الحلقة 619 :تخلي ميكروسفت عن برنامج ويندوز لايف مسنجر ؟ قرار متأخر لكن يمكن ان يغير الكثير

الحلقة617 : كيف تزيف عنوان الـــ MAC لكارت الشبكة بدون برامج

الحلقة 616:ماهي الـــ Crapware وكيف تتفادى تواجدها في حاسوبك

الحلقة 615 : كيف تربح المال عن طريق رفع الفيديوهات


المزيد من الحلقات

الحلقة 613: طريقة منع Seen او vu من على حسابك في الفيسبوك [تحديث نوفمبر 2012]


خطوة بخطوة كيف تفتح المنافذ في الروتر

الحلقة611: كيف تحصل على معلومات دقيقة عن اي هاتف فقط من خلال IMEI

الحلقة610 : كيف تستطيع سحب رصيدك في البايبال نقدا من المغرب


الحلقة 609 : كيف تنشئ شبكة معلوماتية سرية على الأنترنت [Darknet]


الحلقة608:كيف تخفي جميع المواقع المفتوحة في متصفحك بكبسة زر واحدة


الحلقة607 : احصل على كود تفعيل 6 اشهر مجاني لــ Kaspersky PURE 2.0


Burning Stuff With 2000ºF Solar Power!!

Melt a stack of pennies, burst a glass bottle, damage various food items, and incinerate wood using the power of the Sun! This 4 foot magnifying lens will melt concrete, and nearly anything else that gets in its way.

Some quick links to a few of the materials I used:

[✓] Small Fresnel Lens: http://amzn.to/2cEa9Sy
[✓] Apple beer: http://amzn.to/2cVKC3C
[✓] Bottle Top Stoppers: http://amzn.to/2cEcJrS

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Endcard Links:

Solar Scorcher: https://goo.gl/lbDdce
Scorcher Frame: https://goo.gl/OFCaEr
Water Explodes: http://bit.ly/H2OExplode
Rocket Fuel: https://goo.gl/eOTH8Q

See What Else I’m Up To:

Instagram: https://goo.gl/C0Q1YU
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant

Business Inquiries: For business and sponsorship inquiries please contact us directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about


This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury property damage, or death. Concentrated solar energy can start fires and cause personal and property damage. Concentrated UV radiation may cause blindness. Do not look directly at focal point without eye protection like welding goggles. Burning of metals like zinc, may release toxic gasses that can be harmful if inhaled. Extreme caution is advised. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Music By: http://www.danosongs.com (Crazy from the message)

Project Inspired By:

This “Solar Scorcher” project was originally inspired by Dan Rojas of GreenPowerScience: http://youtu.be/JkgFk15uBxw (Fresnel Lens Giant “Big Daddy”)

Project History & More Info:

LEGALITIES: Some people have asked about the legality of treating pennies in this manner. The federal law states that there are exceptions made for use as “educational, amusement, novelty, jewelry, and similar purposes as long as the volumes treated and the nature of the treatment make it clear that such treatment is not intended as a means by which to profit solely from the value of the metal content of the coins.” For more information, see: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2007/04/16/E7-7088/prohibition-on-the-exportation-melting-or-treatment-of-5-cent-and-one-cent-coins

A 4 foot magnifying glass is powerful enough to melt metal, incinerate wood, and burn holes in concrete.

Putting that statement to the test with various items was the purpose of this project. I’m impressed at the results, and excited at the power available through this Fresnel lens that I’ve nicknamed my “Solar Scorcher”.

In the summer, the sunlight at this spot is around 2000ºF, maybe more. Enough to melt spots of concrete into glowing orange liquid.

I’m curious to see what I can do with all this heat so I’ve filled a glass bottle with water and I’ll punch a hole in the cap. It’s incredible to see that the instant I focus my lens on the bottle, it starts smoking. Just a few moments later this water is so hot it’s boiling, and I’m a little nervous the bottle might blow. Yep, there it goes. I’ll try burning a penny, and, wow, it melted. How about a stack of pennies? Yep, they’re nothing but liquid metal now, and I’m thinking that slag in the mixture must be what’s left of the copper coating. It’s only taking about 4 seconds to melt these.

Well, I’m convinced there’s an insane amount of power behind these lenses. If you’d like to see where I got this one, take a look at my video on how I hacked it out of an old TV.

This one boiled water in less than a minute, welded a nickel to concrete, and instantly torched any piece of wood in it’s way.

It was brought to my attention that Kipkay did a project like a couple of years ago that he called the “Solar Death Ray”. Check out his awesome video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAT6IRBK_uE

How to get 2000ºF Solar Power

Convert a junk TV into a 2000ºF solar cooker. Here’s a technique for hacking a 4 foot mega magnifying lens out of your old TV, and some of the things you can do with it!

Endcard Links:

Scorcher Frame: https://goo.gl/OFCaEr
Power of Solar: https://goo.gl/5ghwUx
Make Electricity: https://goo.gl/VgdqqP
Metal Melter: https://goo.gl/jolsPz

See What Else I’m Up To:

Instagram: https://goo.gl/C0Q1YU
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant

Business Inquiries: For business and sponsorship inquiries please contact us directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about


This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury or death. Heat generated from a Fresnel lens can exceed 2000ºF and cause serious damage to persons or property. Use of this video content is at your own risk.


Music By: Jason Shaw (RP-MedTempoRock)

Project Inspired By:
fencekid http://youtu.be/p7dvd959wfg

My “Solar Scorcher” project was originally inspired by Dan Rojas of GreenPowerScience: http://youtu.be/JkgFk15uBxw (Fresnel Lens Giant “Big Daddy”)

Project History & More Info:

These TV’s are old, extremely heavy, and are breaking down on people everywhere. They usually cost more to fix than they could be sold for, so people are begging you to come take them away for free!

I usually find mine on the classified ads under the “free” section, but they are also common on the sides of streets and alleyways where people have left them for trash.

PLEASE NOTE: These lenses are found in “rear-projection” televisions and not all are the same. Some are discolored, and some concentrate to a beam rather than a point. The particular screen I found was a crystal clear acrylic lens that focused to a point. It may have been luck that I found it on my first try, because 3 TV’s after that all had lesser grade lenses, but still produced enough heat to melt zinc. Just FYI! You can also see http://youtu.be/xExXjXm0YV0 for examples of these different lenses.

It was brought to my attention that Kipkay did a project like this a couple of years ago that he called the “Solar Death Ray”. It’s probably where FenceKid got the idea, which in turn, inspired me. Check out his awesome video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAT6IRBK_uE

Jack Reacher Official Movie Clip: Reacher Rules #1

From The New York Times bestselling author Lee Child comes one of the most compelling heroes to step from novel to screen – ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise).

Watch JACK REACHER in theaters December 21st.