How to make your own Fragrance Lotion

For Best results add 1ml of preferred fragrance per ounce of lotion. Let fragrance set and mix with lotion for 2-3 days before using. A great one to be moisturized and smell good at the same time ; )

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1st Impressions of MDCI Parfums & Xerjoff Fragrances

Lupe eXperiences 2 MDCI Parfums & 2 Xerjoff fragrances for the 1st time:
MDCI Parfums Ambre Topkapi – 1:08
MDCI Parfums Invasion Barbare – 5:25
Xerjoff Nio – 8:52
Xerjoff Uden – 12:36
*all samples courtesy of Dave (Dkmode83) @

PS: These are simply 1st impressions from an eXperienced nose. They are not an in-depth indication of the profile of any of these fragrances. But are a good indication of what a first encounter with these scents would be. Further investigation is required.

Jack Reacher Official Movie Spot: Break

From The New York Times bestselling author Lee Child comes one of the most compelling heroes to step from novel to screen – ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise).

Watch JACK REACHER in theaters December 21st!

Jack Reacher Official Movie Spot: Killer

From The New York Times bestselling author Lee Child comes one of the most compelling heroes to step from novel to screen – ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise).

Watch JACK REACHER in theaters December 21st!

Meet the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012 Observing Team

Billions of years ago, shortly after the Big Bang, the universe was a dark place full of cold hydrogen gas. One of the mysteries of astronomy is what happened to change that, to warm and “reionize” the hydrogen and turn the universe once again transparent to light, blazing with stars and galaxies.

Hubble astronomers may have found some of the culprits, seven primitive galaxies that formed over 13 billion years ago. The galaxies are part of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image and demonstrate that galaxies may have assembled continuously over time, and may have provided enough radiation to reionize the universe.

Want to know more? Watch this webinar and hear three key astronomers illustrate and explain what Hubble’s powerful new view tells us about the evolving universe.

The panelists will are:
Richard Ellis, astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. He is the lead investigator of the UDF 2012 campaign.
Brant Robertson, astronomer at the University of Arizona, Tucson. He is a member of the UDF 2012 campaign.
Anton Koekemoer, astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md. He led the Hubble Space Telescope observations for the UDF 2012 campaign and assembled the final combined images.

Rockin’ Paper Plate Speaker

Here’s how to make a real working paper plate speaker for under $1.00!

Some quick links to a few of the materials I used:

[✓] Magnet wire:
[✓] Hot glue:

Endcard Links:

Candy Cannon:
Mousetrap Gun:
Gravity Puzzle:
Ninja Turtle Ooze:

See What Else I’m Up To:


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Do not try hacking your TV at home. The capacitors may hold a charge and pose a risk of electric shock. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury or death. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Music By: (Gem Droids) and Kevin MacLeod – (Pure Attitude)

Project Inspired By:

A book I read at Radio Shack on making a simple speaker, supplemented by Make Magazines video:

Project History & More Info:

To all the MythBusters fans out there .. No offense to MythBusters is intended. I realize they busted the HouseholdHacker project that claimed using aluminum foil and a penny would work. However, I was motivated on this project mainly by the statement that “a paper plate speaker for less than a dollar, really is just too good to be true”.

This video is meant to be a fun way to show it can be done under $1. If copper wire is an issue, the TV hacking, and wire from the sump pump motor is to demonstrate that copper wire is everywhere, not just in stores.

The idea of making a speaker out of a paper plate is intriguing, and to do it for under a buck is even better. But first, we’ll have to understand how a speaker works.