2011 Hyundai Sonata 2.0T Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, Test Drive

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline Sleek styling and a potent turbo engine simply cannot make up for poorly tuned steering and a slightly harsh ride with more interior noise than expected. Hyundai’s traditional value card is still present, however if you demand the best driving dynamics and the latest tech features, be sure to check out the competition.

MineCraft The IQ Test Part 2 of 2 – اخيس خياس خايس فالعالم الخياسي XD

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

Thank’s For Watching

رابط تحميل الماب الخايس الي ما انصحكم تلعبوه ابدا ف حياتكم كلها حتا لو كان اخر كستم ماب على وجه الارض

Designer vs. Niche: Perceived Value

Check out my Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/fragrancereviews

My second installment of Designer vs. Niche. This go around I tackle perceived value, something I feel plays a vital role in how we view particular fragrances, and their houses.

Check out Al’s -FragranceFanatic1 take on Reflection Man (8:50-9:10)

Disney’s Star Wars Auditions!

Become a Screen Junkie! ► http://bit.ly/sjsubscr

With all this talk of Disney buying Star Wars – we decided to end the speculation and offer a first look at a Disneyfied Star Wars.

We’ll be uploading new episodes of SJS every Wednesday!
As well as uploading new Honest Trailers every other Friday! (And ‘Supercuts/Mashups’ in between weeks)
So make sure to: Subscribe!

Got a tip? Email us at: tips@screenjunkies.com
Friend us on Facebook = http://facebook.com/screenjunkies

This is your show guys, so tell us what kind of stories you’d like us to cover!

Thanks to Nik Holmes for THE NEWSTEAMERS artwork on our wall!
You can purchase the shirt here:

Host – Hal Rudnick
Snow White – Fiona Gubelmann
Iago & Donald Duck – Piotr Michael – http://youtube.com/pokedachef
Goofy & Mickey Mouse – Brock Baker – http://www.youtube.com/McGoiter
Sebastian – Michael Landon
Eeyore – Alex Weed
Mary Poppins – Jodi Jett
Marcin – Jack Sparrow
Donald Duck Costume work – Javier Rubio-Bernal
Goofy Costume work – Diego Valaguez
Mickey Costume work – Dan Perrault

Created & Directed by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Written by Andy Signore, Brett Weiner, Dan Perrault and Hal Rudnick
Produced by Phil Marlett
Edited by Dan Murrell & Brett Weiner
Music by Sean Motley
Drawings by Todd Spence

Watch last week’s ScreenJunkies Show:
Jedi Mind Trick Prank (with Roman Atwood)

Watch last week’s SuperCut/MashUp:
Halloween with Mike Myers as Michael Myers

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next! And check out our previous Honest Trailers:

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT 2: NEW MOON

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT 3: ECLIPSE



Honest Trailers: PROMETHEUS

Honest Trailers: THE AVENGERS

Honest Trailers: THE HUNGER GAMES

Honest Trailers: THE DARK KNIGHT

Honest Trailers: AVATAR

Honest Trailers: TRANSFORMERS

Honest Trailers: TITANIC

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT


Are you actually reading all this?? If so, type “Luke Don’t Kiss the Girl! It’s Your Sister!” in the comments!

#صاحي : “برودكاست شوو” 9

موقع صاحي يقدم الحلقة التاسعة من برنامج “برودكاست شوو” والذي يتناول القضايا الاجتماعية والمحلية بإسلوب فكاهي وساخر بطريقة الـ ” إستاند آب” كوميدي . البرنامج من تقديم النجم الكوميدي إبراهيم صالح.
موقع صاحي:
فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:
قوقل بلس :
بلاك بيري صاحي:

إبراهيم صالح: https://twitter.com/#!/IbrahemSaleeh

BMW M6 review by www.autocar.co.uk

The new 4.4-litre, turbocharged, V8 BMW M6 brings new levels of refinement and usability to BMW’s big M coupe. But has it compromised the car’s real driver involvement and hardcore enthusiast appeal in the process?

For a full review and high-res picture gallery of the new BMW M6 coupe, go to http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/bmw/6-series/first-drives/first-drive-review-bmw-m6-coupe