Drifting in the Scion FR-S with a Formula D Pro! – Wide Open Throttle Episode 34

On this episode of Wide Open Throttle, Jessi Lang meets with Formula D’s Ken Gushi to try her hand at the art of oversteer. After getting a lesson in a stock Scion FR-S, Jessi hits the track, then ends the day with a ride in Ken’s professional GReddy Formula Drift FR-S car.

Wide Open Throttle appears every Thursday on the new Motor Trend channel.

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Review: SwitchEasy Nude for iPhone 5 Case

Purchase Link: http://goo.gl/MLFX2 Review: SwitchEasy Nude for iPhone 5
iPhone 5 Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQrdV-sTKhA
iPhone 5 Gaming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHr44fh3QqU

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In this video I review the SwitchEasy Nude for iPhone 5 case. As an ultra thin 1mm thick case that comes in many colors the SwitchEasy Nude looks like a great case to protect your iPhone 5 however it’s not for everyone.

( @SaudiReporters | #سعودي_ريبورترز | رحنا وراء الشمس )

حنوريكم في هذي الحلقة بعض نكت الطيبين اللي مهي راضية تنقرض ..
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Mine Sa E14 – لا للزكام :”(

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

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1- DA7M1000 :- http://www.youtube.com/user/DA7M1000
2- Xx-Loli:- http://www.youtube.com/user/7mood230
3- Soma_N:- http://www.youtube.com/user/SulaimaNxx
4- xxxabody:- http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSilentKiller55
5- iKillzZ :- http://www.youtube.com/user/MinecraftModArabia
6- SaudDux :- http://www.youtube.com/user/111MiNeCrAFT1?feature=watch
7- Mhgdhom:- http://www.youtube.com/user/MhGdHoMM?feature=watch
8- Istop 3ndk :- http://www.youtube.com/user/IStop3ndk
9- xdiiakzz :- http://www.youtube.com/user/xdiiakzz?feature=results_main

صاحي : “أشكل” 2

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الثانية من برنامج “أشكل” والذي يجسد وجهه نظر الوزراء والمسؤولين تجاه معاناة المواطن بشكل ساخر وهو من بطولة الفنان السعودي الشاب علي الحميدي وإخراج أحمد الشهري.

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