Of course I did not create this technique but I accidentally discovered it for myself. I hope its easy enough to understand. If not ask questions!…………Come see my other videos here!…….http://www.youtube.com/user/carsandwater?feature=mhee
iPhone 5 Knife Screen Scratch Drop Test -Bonus Episode-
This is my bonus episode of my new series in the iPhone 5’s durability test. In this episode I test the iPhone 5 and see whether it survives or not.
*Bonus Episode
NOTE: This iPhone 5 was already partly malfunctioned at purchase, I am getting a free replacement and decided to do this with my iPhone 5
iPhone 5 Knife Screen Scratch Drop Test -Bonus Episode-
This is my bonus episode of my new series in the iPhone 5’s durability test. In this episode I test the iPhone 5 and see whether it survives or not.
*Bonus Episode
NOTE: This iPhone 5 was already partly malfunctioned at purchase, I am getting a free replacement and decided to do this with my iPhone 5
iPhone 5 Siri iOS 6 REVIEW
Siri has learnt new commands with the iOS 6 update
New commands include: movies, restaurants and sports
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iOS 6: Phone App REVIEW
Reviewing the new iOS 6 Phone App
-new silver coating on the keypad, instead of the old black one
-when receiving a call you get options like :
– instantaneously send a text to the person who called you telling him that you’re busy
-remind you in 1 hour or geolocation reminders to call that person back
Pretty cool huh?
I hope you liked my video!
and LIKE (if you liked my video)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZoneOfTech
Blog: http://thezoneoftech.blogspot.com
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Disney’s Looper (1994 Trailer)
Did you know Rian Johnson’s Looper (2012) is actually a remake?? In this installment of SuperCuts – we unearthed the 1994 trailer for Disney’s Looper – starring a much younger Joseph Gordon-Levitt and a younger, hairier Bruce Willis.
Written by Andy Signore, Brett Weiner, Dan Perrault
Edited by Max Dionne & Brett Weiner
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Every Wednesday – New Episodes of The ScreenJunkies Show!
Every Friday – New Episodes of Honest Trailers OR SuperCuts (every other week)
Previous SuperCuts:
Most Epic Van Damme Splits Ever
Chuck Norris: The Movie
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iPhone 5 Water Damage Drop Test -Episode #5-
This is my fifth episode of my new series in the iPhone 5’s durability test. In this episode I test the iPhone 5 and see whether it survives or not.
Episode 5/5
NOTE: This iPhone 5 was already partly malfunctioned at purchase, I am getting a free replacement and decided to do this with my iPhone 5