iPhone 5 Hammer Smash, Drop Test, Water Test, Knife Scratch Aftermath

This is my aftermath video of my new series in the iPhone 5’s durability test. If you haven’t seen the previous episodes be sure to check them out! I hammer, drop, run over, water test, and knife scratch the iPhone 5!

Start with Episode #1 hammer smash test right here:

NOTE: This iPhone 5 was already partly malfunctioned at purchase, I am getting a free replacement and decided to do this with my iPhone 5

Unboxing: Super Slim PS3 – PlayStation 3 2012 250GB

Purchase Link: http://goo.gl/N116f – Super Slim PS3 Unboxing
Nintendo 3DS XL Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZr_jzBdG4E
iPhone 5 Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQrdV-sTKhA

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In this video I do an unboxing of the Super Slim PS3, the 2012 Sony PlayStation 3 250GB Uncharted 3 Game of the Year edition bundle. With the Super Slim PlayStation 3 you get an all new design with a sliding disk tray and much smaller profile along with a 250GB hard drive but you can also pick up the 500GB Assassin’s Creed 3 bundle in October.

الحلقة 592: كيف تصلح فأرة الحاسوب بكل سهولة

موضوع الحلقة السابقة: كيف تحصل على صلاحيات الروت على هاتف
Samsung galaxy S3

رابط الموضوع من هنا


روابط مفيدة

الحلقات الخاصة عن جوجل
الحلقات الخاصة عن فيسبوك
حلقات الحماية من الهاكرز
حلقات عن الويندوز
حلقات عن الانترنت
حلقات عن اللينكس
حلقات عن الهاردوير
حصريات محترفي الحماية

صفحتنا في الفيسبوك


Mine Sa E15 – مزرعتين جدد

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

اتمنى انك تدعمني بلايك و فيفريت و اشتراك

1- DA7M1000 :- http://www.youtube.com/user/DA7M1000
2- Xx-Loli:- http://www.youtube.com/user/7mood230
3- Soma_N:- http://www.youtube.com/user/SulaimaNxx
4- xxxabody:- http://www.youtube.com/user/SkyGamerHDl?feature=mhee
5- iKillzZ :- http://www.youtube.com/user/MinecraftModArabia
6- SaudDux :- http://www.youtube.com/user/111MiNeCrAFT1?feature=watch
7- Mhgdhom:- http://www.youtube.com/user/MhGdHoMM?feature=watch
8- Istop 3ndk :- http://www.youtube.com/user/IStop3ndk
9- xdiiakzz :- http://www.youtube.com/user/xdiiakzz?feature=results_main
10- Smiley :- http://www.youtube.com/user/SkyGamerHDl?feature=mhee

Exotic Meat Party – FridgeCam

This week on FridgeCam, it’s time for Ben to get his own back. He’s prepared a whole canapé party for us using exotic meats… We have to guess what meats there are, and there are some BIG surprises!

Also, we’re running! We’re taking part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon on Sunday 7th October, and we’d love for you to come and support us!

All the Half Marathon details are here: http://royalparkshalf.com

We’re running for Macmillan Cancer Support, you can find out more about their great work here: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/

We’ve also made some really cool updates to the website this week, so we tell you all about them and what we’ve got coming up over the next few months.

Don’t forget, you can buy the book here: http://goo.gl/IihW6

Share your cooking results and stories with us and stay up-to-date using:


This week’s recipes are:

Basque Chicken: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/basquechicken/
Tapas Platter: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/tapasplatter/
Spanish Chorizo Tortilla: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/spanishtortilla/
Miso Steak Salad: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/misosteaksalad/
Chocolate & Apricot Brioche: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/chocapricotbrioche/
Chinese Steamed Sun Bream: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/steamedseabream
Apple and Mango Crumble: http://sortedfood.com/recipes/applemangocrumble

The great quotes of: Loki

Read Description please:
This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being Loki. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

The great quotes of: Black Adam

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This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being Black Adam. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

The great quotes of: The Ghost

Read Description please:
This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being The Ghost. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

The great quotes of: Weather Wizard

Read Description please:
This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being Weather Wizard. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You