Audi A3 video review –

The new 2012 Audi A3 doesn’t look like much of a departure from the old model, but it’s one of the most important all-new cars of the year thanks to the wide-reaching significance of its architecture. Has the new A3 moved the game on more than its looks suggest?

Read the full review at

E3 Coverage – Nintendo Conference – GRTV

Jen recaps the Nintendo conference with ACTUAL VIDEO FOOTAGE! Crazy, right? Enjoy the lengthy vid covering the whole of the conference that occurred Tuesday morning with Reggie (per usual) as host.

For more news, reviews, and features, head over to

The great quotes of: The Rhino

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This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being The Rhino. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

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كافه اشرطتي متوفره على الرابط التالي

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