2011 Lexus RX450h Walkaround, Review, Test Drive

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/2Redline Hybrid power train is much improved over the previous generation. Overall, a nice car but it just doesn’t satisfy the enthusiast 😉

“Though expensive compared to the non-hybrid RX, the 2011 Lexus RX 450h delivers on its promise of impressive fuel economy, utility, power and luxury.”

Worms Revolution Developer Diary No. 1

In this first Worms Revolution Developer Diary video, Kevin Carthew, lead designer on Worms Revolution, is put on the hot seat to answer a few questions about the Worms series. One can only assume if he gets any answers wrong, an army of worms will be set loose on him and he will be digested to death.

Focusing heavily on the history of the franchise, the first dev diary video will welcome gamers into the fold and give them a more indepth look of where Worms has been and where it will go in the future. Carthew explains why Worms has returned to its 2D roots on newer platforms, while still pushing forward with evolving gameplay.

More dev diaries will be published in the future detailing other aspects of the Worms franchise, so whether you’re a veteran of the Worm wars or still green, these videos will contain some interesting information.

For more news, reviews, and features, head over to http://www.gameranx.com

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