Windows & Mac Browser Test: Chrome 17 vs Firefox 11 vs Opera 11.61 vs Safari 5.1

Download Google Chrome 17.0.963.79:

Download Mozilla Firefox 11:

Download Opera 11.61:

Download Apple Safari 5.1.4:

In this video I compare the best Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.7 Lion web browsers, Chrome 17 vs Firefox 11 vs Opera 11.61 vs Safari 5.1.4 to see which is fastest at Javascript, general web browsing, HTML5 compliance, memory usage and GPU hardware acceleration. Each browser has pros and cons as well as special features however here I just look at the raw benchmarks to determine the winner.

The benchmarks I use are the V8 Benchmark, Peacekeeper, Particle Acceleration, the HTML5 Test and memory usage with 5 tabs open. Each is run multiple times on both a Windows 7 desktop and MacBook Air OS X laptop to ensure a fair fight.

أكله رهيبه: سلطه التونه

كافه اشرطتي متوفره على الرابط التالي

صفحتي الرسميه على الفيسبوك

Warped Gaming – Beers of War Part 2

We play last week’s Gears of War drinking game! New DGFG next Thursday!
Confused? Rules here –




Warped Gaming – Beers of War Part 1

Our drunken let’s play of last week’s Drinking Game for Gamers: Beers of War.

– The Warp Zone –

Warped Gaming – Beers of War Part 1

We play last week’s Gears of War drinking game! New DGFG next Thursday!
Confused? Rules here –




Warped Gaming – Beers of War Part 1

Our drunken let’s play of last week’s Drinking Game for Gamers: Beers of War. Odom and Fish have been playing the gears 3 horde mode like crazy ever since… Enjoy!

– The Warp Zone –


Vegetarian food can often be very uninspiring. Are you stuck with the same clichéd options when eating out in restaurants, pubs or with friends?

How about turning a common idea on it’s head and creating something new? This mushroom and spinach lasagne recipe is made by layering up tortilla wraps. Perfect hot as a main meal, or even allowed to cool and sliced for a packed lunch it’s a novel approach to veggie food.

Get the recipe here:

Ready to live the ultimate food lifestyle?

Come and join the Sorted Club to make use of the smart tools that connect millions of foodies around the world and help you create your ultimate food lifestyle.
– Simplify midweek cooking with smart meal packs and audio guides
– Visit locally recommended restaurants & experiences in major cities around the world
– Listen to weekly podcasts that debate trending food topics
– Enjoy the full collection of Sorted Club Books and build your own cookbook

Check it out here:

Search Quality Meeting: Spelling for Long Queries (Annotated)

As part of our continued effort to be more transparent about how search works, we’re publishing video footage from our internal weekly search meeting: “Quality Launch Review.” We hold the meeting almost every Thursday to discuss possible algorithmic improvements and make decisions about what to launch. This video is from the meeting that happened on December 1st, 2011, and includes the entire uncut discussion of a real algorithmic improvement to our spell correction system. The language can be technical, so we’ve included annotations to provide some context for the discussion (and have a little fun!).

Mass Effect Infiltrator for iPhone Review

In this video I review Mass Effect Infiltrator for iOS on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Mass Effect Infiltrator is a tie-in with Mass Effect 3 however it follows a different story and is made by a different developer. The graphics are absolutely fantastic as is the sound, gameplay is overall good but the story is lacking and the controls go between being fantastic and horrible.