Behind the Webb: The MIRI Has Two Faces (Episode 14)

The James Webb Space Telescope has multiple science instruments, but only one of them, the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), sees light in the mid-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. MIRI’s design, which allows it to both take both images and obtain the scientific data known as spectra, makes it the equivalent of two instruments in one. These dual techniques allow the Webb telescope to study distant objects in greater detail than ever before.

“Behind the Webb” is a recurring video series from HubbleSite, home of the Hubble Space Telescope and the upcoming Webb Space Telescope. Join host Mary Estacion as she goes behind the scenes to watch the construction and testing of the parts that will make Webb the world’s most powerful infrared telescope.

You can find the entire “Behind the Webb” archive here:

Learn more about Webb”s technology here:

Learn about MIRI here:


You can’t beat a good old fashioned dessert, and this recipe combines 3 of the best sweet ingredients – rhubarb, cake and crumble!

Made with the help of YouTube beauty guru Sara Walker, we merge a classic sponge recipe with a rhubarb crumble. So sit back and relax with a warm cup of tea and some gorgeous pudding!

Get the recipe here:

Sara’s Channel is here:

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صاحي : “يطبعون” 5

موقع صاحي يقدم الحلقة الخامسة من برنامج “يطبعون” والذي يسلط الضوء على أهم ما تناولته وسائل الإعلام السعودية طوال الأسبوع بشكل ساخر وحاد، “يطبعون” هو أول برنامج تلفزيوني عبر المواقع التفاعلية يقدمه إعلامي محترف، المذيع هادي الشيباني ومن إعداد عبدالرحمن بحير وإخراج حسام المطيري.

ملاحظة: تعرضت الحلقه التى تم تحميلها يوم الخميس 23 فبراير 2012 إلى الحذف ، وتم إعادة تحميلها في الساعة 6 فجر يوم الجمعه 24 فبراير 2012

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عبدالرحمن بحير:!/Abdulrhman_Bher
حسام المطيري:!/Hussamalmutairi