Search now and search in the future: A look at where we are and the current vector

Abstract: How well DO people search on Google? Although popular opinion is that “everyone is above average,” that obviously can’t be true. The truth is that self-perceptions of search expertise are often wildly over-estimated and that people, on average, actually use only a fraction of the potential of Google. They both don’t know much of what’s possible, and don’t understand where internet search capabilities are headed. Since the rate of change and improvements isn’t slowly down, in this talk I’ll examine where we are, and where we’re headed, and conclude with some heuristics for teaching research skills in the years ahead.

Bio: Daniel Russell is the Uber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness in Mountain View. He earned his PhD in computer science, specializing in Artificial Intelligence until he realized that magnifying and understanding human intelligence was his real passion. Twenty years ago he foreswore AI in favor of HI, and enjoys teaching, learning, running and music, preferably all in one day. He has worked at Xerox PARC before it was, was in the Advanced Technology Group at Apple where he wrote the first 100 web pages for using SimpleText. He has also worked at IBM and briefly at a startup that developed tablet computers before the iPad.

Running time: 36 mins

Presented at: Colorado State University Library Conference, Boulder, CO, Jan 12, 2012

Honest Trailers – Phantom Menace 3D

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Get Ready, World! George Lucas is about to defile your childhood for a second time … this time IN 3-D!!! And in a few more years Disney will do it all over again! #HonestTrailers

Join little Anakin Skywalker, that dude from The Grey, the bad guy from Angels and Demons, the oscar winner that talks like a robot, and one of the most annoying characters ever created for an hour and a half of semi-circles… and did we mention it’s in 3-D!!!

Honest Trailers: Phantom Menace
Created & Directed by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Written by Brett Weiner, Andy Signore and Alex Sargant
Edited by Brett Weiner
Voiceover Narration by Ptolemy Slocum

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next!

And check out more Emmy Nominated Honest Trailers:

Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)

Game of Thrones Vol. 1


Harry Potter

Breaking Bad

The Lord Of The Rings

Star Wars Force Awakens

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Face Unlock for iPhone: RecognizeMe 2.0

RecognizeMe recently received it’s 2.0 update for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with a jailbreak. Available for $3 in the Cydia Store, RecognizeMe 2 is like Face Unlock from Android 4.0 on the Galaxy Nexus. Now much faster and better at recognizing faces is it worth a download?

A Very Warped Valentine’s Day

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This is a sketch we probably won’t show our parents…


– A Very Warped Valentine’s Day –


Screenplay By Ryan Tellez

Story by Michael Adams Davis

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Edited by Ryan Tellez

– The Warp Zone –