How To Set Up and Activate a PS Vita 3G

In this video I give a tutorial on how to set up and activate a PS Vita 3G. The PlayStation Vita is fairly simple to setup and I show how to install a PS Vita memory card, a SIM card in the Vita 3G, a PS Vita game and how to get it activated for the first time with firmware updates, signing into the Sony Entertainment Network, also known as PlayStation Network, PSN or SEN, activating 3G service through AT&T or another carrier and how to log into your SEN account.

Unboxing: PS Vita 3G First Edition

In this video I do an unboxing of the PS Vita 3G First Edition Bundle. The United States English PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi + 3G comes with a lot including Little Deviants, a PS Vita case, a 4GB PS Vita memory card and the PlayStation Vita 3G console itself making it a packed unboxing. I also do a size comparison between the Nintendo 3DS and iPhone 4S, show what a PS Vita game looks like, give a close look at the buttons on the Vita and the size of the screen.

Classic Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

Learn how to make a Classic Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe! – Visit for the ingredients, more recipe information, and over 650 additional original video recipes! I hope you enjoy this Classic Peanut Butter Cookie!

صاحي: صُنِعَ في السعودية (3) – تاكسي مطار جدة

موقع صاحي المرئي يُقَدِم الحلقة الثالثة من برنامج “صُنِعَ في السعودية” والذي يتناول أهم اهتمامات المواطن السعودي وما يحدثُ من سلبيات أو إيجابيات يتسببُ بها المسؤول أو المواطن بشكل ساخر، المسلسل من بطولة الفنان السعودي الشاب علي الحميدي وإعداد: سلطان العمري , أحمد الشهري , علي الحميدي وإخراج أحمد الشهري.

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