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iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 Discussion

Elly’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/AppChat

In this video Elly from AppChat and I discuss the new Apple iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 as well what all is new with the iPhone 4S on Sprint, Verizon and AT&T. We also discuss some of the other products announced at the event including the new white iPod touch 5G, Siri on the iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G.

Sprint iPhone 4S, iPod touch 5G and iPod nano 7G Official!

In this video I go over the Apple announcement today on the iPhone 4S, iPod touch 5G and the iPod nano 7G. Instead of announcing an all new iPhone 5 Apple announced a reworked version of the iPhone 4 with the new Apple A5 dual core processor, a new 8 megapixel camera and a new Sprint model. The iPhone 4S is a world phone and will be available for preorder October 7th and on sale October 14th for $199 on the 16GB model, $299 for the 32GB model and $399 for the 64GB model.

Apple also announced the iPod touch 5G and iPod nano 7G. Both iPods got minor updates this year, with the iPod touch 5G getting a new white color and the 8GB dropping in price to $199 and the iPod nano gets built in Nike+ sensors, a new firmware update and a price drop to $129 for 8GB and $149 for 16GB.


Following a recipe request from Matt Lucas the SORTED crew cook up a very traditional and healthy bowl of chicken noodle soup. With the addition of matzo balls this becomes a traditional Jewish dish, just like his mum used to make.

Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/chickennoodlesoup

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Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2SiD6q

iPhone 4S / 5 Event Update

In this video I go over a few last minute updates before the October 4th 2011 9/4/11 Apple iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 event. For this Octobe 2011 Apple event I expect to see an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 5 on Sprint, AT&T and Verizon as well as more information on iOS 5 with Assistant and a new iPod touch 5G.

7:00AM – Hawaii
10:00AM – Pacific
11:00AM – Mountain
12:00PM – Central
1:00PM – Eastern
6:00PM – London
7:00PM – Paris
9:00PM – Moscow
2:00AM – Tokyo (October 5th)

Food Truck Friday: Poutine

A new series where we hang out and eat from delicious food trucks!
This week it’s poutine time!

TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/warpzonetweets
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/pLkeZ4

Generally these will upload Friday afternoon but due to a wedding we attended over the weekend this episode was delayed…


Poutine is Canadian comfort food. It’s typically made with french fries, gravy and cheese or if you’re epic meal time- candy and caramel (carmel?). Our dishes were served with fries, a choice of meet, cheese curds, and gravy. Our verdict was though delicious, this was a little expensive… Fries for $8? And apparently it wasn’t authentic… 🙁

Overall rating – 7

Meals for the day:

Fish – Chicken with chicken gravy and firehouse cheese curds
Ryan – Chicken with veggie gravy and firehouse cheese curds
Schro – Steak with beef gravy and firehouse cheese curds
Davis – Steak with beef gravy and normal cheese curds

No Bacon! ;(

– The Warp Zone –