The Corridor Contest! Giveaways, challenges, and prizes for our 2nd channel!

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Challenge rules!

There are 3 contests we’re holding, and you can enter all 3! Prizes will be given for each! THE DEADLINE FOR ALL 3 IS APRIL 21ST, 2011, 11:59PM PST! Winners will be announced soon after. Contest is open for ALL COUNTRIES.

_____1) Second Channel Subscriber Contest._____

We will pick 3 random subscribers from our new second channel and give away prizes to each. All you need to do is subscribe to, and you’re automatically entered!

_____2) VFX Challenge_____

Create an awesome 30 second video using pre-keyed greenscreen clips that we provide (below) and upload it to YouTube. You must use at least one of these clips in your movie, you don’t have to include all of them. Once uploaded, fill out the form that will require you to provide a link to your video. Use anything you want, and submit as many as you want!

Clip Download Link: or

Video Submission Link:

_____3) Facebook Photo War_____

Make an awesome and/or hilarious photo that has something to do with Corridor Digital. It can be from our videos, something we’ve done, or just us! Use anything you want, and submit as many as you want!

To submit the photo, go to our Facebook page ( ), like our page, then upload your photo to our wall!


That’s it!

Don’t forget to use the CORRIDOR coupon code at for 15% off. This is good for the month of April.

Machinima and kick ass, but you should know that by now.

Music in this video is a song we wrote called the Two Fifteen. We’ll be putting it up on iTunes in a few days if you guys would like to have it.

Left 4 Dead Interactive | DAVIS

You picked Davis of The Warp Zone! His strategy – Call of Duty Zombie Nazis. Good luck… 🙂

A Zombie Survival Interactive based on the video game Left 4 Dead by Valve. Follow your favorite Game Station characters as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Brought to you by The Game Station –

Directed by Layne Pavoggi –

Written & Edited by THE WARP ZONE (Michael Schroeder & Brian Fisher)


Husky –
Dodger –
Davis –
Schroeder –
& Total Biscuit –

Ryan, Fish, and Odom of The Warp Zone
Will of DC –
Erin Lee –
Brittany and Artie of Butterusfx –
Aaron Umetani of The Country Club –
Layne Pavoggi –
Joe Walker –

Music by Aaron Dewitt –

Visual Effects & Sound Design – Brian Fisher

Make Up & Prop Design
Brittany and Artie of Butterusfx

Special Thanks to:
Geoff “Viewtiful Joe” Yano

Aaron “Haggar” Umetani

for more from the Game Station:

Follow The Warp Zone on twitter –

Google Fiber: Ultra High Speed Broadband coming to Kansas City, KS

As part of our overall goal to make the web better for users, last year we announced a new project: to provide a community with Internet access more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have today. After a careful review, we’re very happy to announce that we will build our ultra high-speed network in Kansas City, Kansas. We’ve signed a development agreement with the city, and we’ll be working closely with local organizations, businesses and universities to bring a next-generation web experience to the community.

Thank you to every community and individual that submitted a response, joined a rally, starred in a YouTube video or otherwise participated.

Amazon Cloud Player and Drive Review

15GB free storage by buying an album:

I take a look at Amazon’s new Cloud Player and Cloud Drive.



Recently Amazon announced a brand new cloud service for storing files of all types as well as a dedicated online music player. Amazon Cloud Drive is similar to Dropbox as it gives you 5GB of storage for any type of file online that can be accessed by a desktop web browser and can be expanded up to 1TB of cloud storage.

Amazon Cloud Player works from your Cloud Drive, allowing you to play your music uploaded from iTunes, Windows Media Player or from your computer on any desktop web browser or on an Android phone with the Amazon MP3 app. The 5GB of storage shared with Cloud Drive can be expanded to 20GB with the purchase of an MP3 album on Amazon. You can upload MP3 and AAC audio files and play them from anywhere with full bitrate making this a great tool for both storing and listening to your music from anywhere.

Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G and iPad Using sn0wbreeze 2.4b1

Click here for all the links:

Download sn0wbreeze 2.4b1:

Find iPhone / iPod touch / iPad firmware:



In this video I give a full tutorial on how to jailbreak on iOS 4.3.1 using sn0wbreeze 2.4 (2.4b1) made by ih8sn0w on an iPhone 3GS (new and old bootrom), iPhone 4, iPod touch 3G (16GB and 32GB models only), iPod touch 4G and the original iPad 1. The iPad 2 is not currently supported. sn0wbreeze 2.4 is a tethered jailbreak which means that it requires you to rerun iBooty every time you restart your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

I also show how to put your device in a pwned DFU mode state using DFU Pwner [greenpois0n] so the iREB can prepare your device for the sn0wbreeze jailbreak and then restore the custom IPSW on your iDevice.