Being a Google Autocompleter

We’re hiring autocompleters for Google Search! Are you passionate about helping people? Are you intuitive? Do you often feel like you know what your friends and family are thinking and can finish their thoughts before they can? Are you an incredibly fast Google searcher? Like, so fast that you can do 20 searches before your mom does 1?

Eye Spy a Planet: Hubble’s Universe Unfiltered

In 2008, Hubble released the first visible-light picture of a planet around another star. Planets around distant stars are extremely difficult to visualize — astronomers usually find them by observing the dimming of light as a planet passes in front of a star, or the wobble of the star as its tugged by the planet’s gravity.

“Hubble’s Universe” is a recurring broadcast from HubbleSite, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Frank Summers takes viewers on an in-depth tour of the latest Hubble discoveries. Find more episodes at

Hubble Directly Observes Planet Orbiting Fomalhaut

Discovering Planets Beyond

Through a Lens, Brightly: Hubble’s Universe Unfiltered

Matter warps the space around it. The more matter there is, the stronger the warp. For really strong distortions of space-time, like black holes, the warping acts like a lens. Such gravitational lenses have been found, and astronomers can use them to study very distant and very faint galaxies.

“Hubble’s Universe” is a recurring broadcast from HubbleSite, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Frank Summers takes viewers on an in-depth tour of the latest Hubble discoveries. Find more episodes at

Astronomers Find One of the Youngest and Brightest Galaxies in the Early Universe

Jupiter Gets the Measles: Hubble’s Universe Unfiltered

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, a whirling storm on the gas giant planet’s surface, has been one of the planet’s most recognizable features for centuries. But in 2006 and 2008, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot was joined by two companions, smaller red spot storms.

“Hubble’s Universe” is a recurring broadcast from HubbleSite, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Frank Summers takes viewers on an in-depth tour of the latest Hubble discoveries. Find more episodes at

Hubble Snaps Baby Pictures of Jupiter’s “Red Spot Jr.”

New Red Spot Appears On Jupiter

Three Red Spots Mix It Up On Jupiter

Hubble Falls Into Coma: Hubble’s Universe Unfiltered

Take a safari through the Coma Cluster, one of the richest nearby galaxy collections. Thousands of galaxies are gathered together here, making it an ideal location to witness the diversity of galaxies in the universe.

“Hubble’s Universe” is a recurring broadcast from HubbleSite, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Frank Summers takes viewers on an in-depth tour of the latest Hubble discoveries. Find more episodes at

Hubble’s Sweeping View of the Coma Cluster

Interacting Galaxies Galore: Hubble’s Universe Unfiltered

Hubble celebrated its 18th anniversary in 2008 by releasing a huge image gallery of interacting galaxies. Such galaxies pass close enough to each other that their mutual gravity can stretch and distort their shapes. Eventually, interacting galaxies merge together to form a single larger galaxy. However, since these interactions can take billions of years, how do we study them?

“Hubble’s Universe” is a recurring broadcast from HubbleSite, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Frank Summers takes viewers on an in-depth tour of the latest Hubble discoveries. Find more episodes at

Cosmic Collisions Galore

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