VFX Tests!

Before we use an effect in a movie, we need to test it first! This is a compilation of some of the effects we’ve been working on! Created with a variety of programs, including 3DS Max, After Effects, Rayfire, Fume FX, and more.

While we haven’t been able to incorporate all these effects into our films yet, bits and pieces of them have made it in. Rayfire is one of our favorite plugins, since it’s awesome to have giant structures crumbling and falling over.

What effects do you guys think work best, or would like to see more of?

Making of MW: Frozen Crossing PART 1

FC Sountrack is up! http://www.corridor-digital.com/frozencrossing/fcsoundtrack.zip

Sam and Niko talk about how they made Frozen Crossing part one, including set photos and VFX breakdowns!