Gordon’s heading into the wilds of Bastar in search of a delicious but little known delicacy. The Dhuruva tribe is known for its sophisticated cooking and amazing chutney. The famous chutney is made from ants and ant eggs.
Traditional Goat Biryani in India (Part 3) – Gordon Ramsay
Guests sample the goat Biryani at the huge Indian wedding.
Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/page/tuppersalads
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Gordon Ramsay Makes Traditional Goat Biryani in India (Part 1)
A traditional biryani of goat stuffed with chicken, stuffed with quails, stuffed with eggs. Gordon hasn’t had a lesson this complicated in years.
Traditional goat biriani in India (Part 2) – Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay and the royal chef finishes the traditional goat biriani for the huge Indian wedding. He prepares the rice for the dish.
Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/sweetnsourchicken
The nations favourite Chinese dish couldnt be easier or quicker to reproduce at home. Try and beat the takeaway, both on price and speed with SORTEDs take on sweet ‘n’ sour chicken.
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Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/rockyroad
Are you tempted by those yummy looking slices in Starbucks but cant justify another couple of quid? Then why not make a whole slab of the stuff for about a fiver. Plenty for the whole week.
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Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/lambcurry
Want something simple that’ll fill everyone up on during a social night in? This seriously hits the spot with its minimal hassle approach and price at just £2.60 a portion!
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Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2SiD6q6
Get the Recipe http://www.sortedfood.com/chickenquesadilla
Want a tasty alternative to a tube of Pringles when youve got some mates over for pre-drinks? Something everyone can dive in and munch on. Then this is the solution, great warm finger food served with sour cream and chive dip.
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