If You’re Happy – Teaching Tips

For more information on Super Simple Songs in Korea, visit: http://www.milkenglish.com/supersimplesongs
한국에서는 http://www.milkenglish.com 에서 수퍼심플송에 관한 자세한 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다.

This video is from one of our visits to a preschool/kindergarten in Seoul, Korea. Great school with great kids! One of the songs we sang was “If You’re Happy.” Before singing, we introduced and reviewed different emotions using facial expressions. Give it a try!

Our trip to Korea was organized by Sujeong from MILK English. Check out the MILK English channel here: http://www.youtube.com/mssujeong Thanks Sujeong!

See an animated version of this song here: http://youtu.be/l4WNrvVjiTw


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