Cream Corn Custard Recipe – Corn Custard

This is a great special occasion side dish! Perfect for holiday entertaining.

Visit to get the ingredients, and watch over 300 free video recipes. Leave me a comment there. If you have questions, ask on the website. Thanks!!

Google DC Talks: “Developing a Natl Cybersecurity Strategy”

As part of the Google D.C. Talks series, and in partnership with the Center for a New American Security, Google’s Washington office hosted a discussion entitled, “Developing a National Cybersecurity Strategy.” Dr. Kristin Lord of CNAS offered opening remarks on cybersecurity policy, and Harry Wingo of Google moderated a five-person panel:

* Ellen Doneski, Chief of Staff, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
* Liesyl Franz, Vice President for Information Security and Global Public Policy, TechAmerica
* Richard Hale, Chief Information Assurance Executive, Defense Information Systems Agency
* Christopher Painter, Director of Cybersecurity, National Security Council
* Philip Reitinger, Deputy Undersecretary of National Protection & Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

This event took place on June 26, 2009 at Google’s offices in Washington, D.C.