Tips And Secrets About The Nintendo eShop That Nintendo Doesn’t Want You To Know – Get The Most Out Of Your Nintendo Switch! What Does The Nintendo eShop Have Hidden?
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MASTER THE NINTENDO ESHOP. Get the most out of the Nintendo eShop and the way you purchase games for the Switch and other consoles like the 3DS.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 eShop Secrets Nintendo Keeps Hidden.
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The days of purchasing all your games from the store are pretty much over. Digital games have taken over consoles and now purchasing games is easier than ever. Before you blindly go to find your favorite game, consider a bunch of tips and tricks to get the most out of the Nintendo eShop. As the Nintendo Switch continues to grow in popularity, these tips will become more important in making the most out of your time within the eShop.
The best way to save up as much money as you can in the eShop is to wait for gift card deals featuring bonus cash. Bonus cash may come in multiple forms and helps you get free games very quickly. The best part of purchasing games from the Nintendo eShop is the ability to do it anywhere. Find deals, use gifts and have the games ready to go by the time you arrive home. Take advantage of exclusive DLC and in-game features on various holidays. A quick check-in may earn you all types of bonuses. When using the 3DS, the classic games you download can be played very differently than presented and showcase ways games like Pokemon Yellow were originally supposed to be played. Access every single game in the eShop, including exclusive releases from all around the world. Along with games from Japan, you may find titles from Europe including a number of exclusive European demo games. The Switch menu makes it easy to access your full library of games, along with an option to read the full game manual. Watch to see all these Nintendo eShop secrets and learn many things about the systems you own!
Script by: Alan Donahue
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Marie-Pier Ricard
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