Check out 10 Star Wars post production slip ups that got by you!
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Making a Star Wars movie is a demanding and pressure-filled task. There are millions of people carefully watching the film’s development, meaning it’s on the director and screenwriters to craft a compelling, entertaining story filled with memorable characters. They’re – justifiably – so concerned about getting the larger picture down pat, that sometimes they can’t catch the tiniest error while overseeing the final cut. Here are 10 Star Wars movie mistakes that slipped through editing.
Script by: Chris Agar @ChrisAgar90
Voice Over by: Ryan George
The Falcon’s Radar Dish | 0:31
Captain Antilles Return From The Dead | 1:02
Han’s Carbonite Pose | 1:31
C-3PO’s Breathing | 2:00
Luke The Ventriloquist | 2:31
Inverted Starship Controls | 3:03
Walking Through Doors | 3:32
Obi-Wan’s Clean Clothes | 4:04
Finn’s Disappearing Blaster | 4:36
Boarding The Falcon’s Ramp | 5:02
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